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Biography: Ben Zelevansky
Ben Zelevansky, currently in his junior year at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, began his artistic career as a drummer in his high school marching band. From there, he followed the logical procession to pit orchestra, then to backstage crew and finally, to onstage performance. Ben has had a passion for the performing arts, and especially comedy, ever since.

After being accepted early admission to Tisch, Ben conceived and co-directed a documentary video short entitled Hound Dogs, which was featured in Tisch's First Annual Freshman Film/Video Festival. The documentary, which chronicled three days in the life of a group of autograph seekers at Rockefeller Center, met with hearty support from such NBC personalities as Conan O'Brien and Adam Sandler.

After the first semester of his freshman year, Ben was hired as a freelance research-editor at the New York offices of The Imagebank, the Kodak-owned and operated stock footage/photo house. Ben continued to work at Imagebank part time until the end of the school year, when he joined up full time, earning the honor of being the youngest editor ever to do so.

This past summer, Ben headed uptown to intern in the production and programming departments of the A&E Television Networks. After a few weeks' work in production with the History Channel series History Alive (host: Roger Mudd) and Movies in Time (host: Sander Vanocur), Ben transferred to programming, where he screened and wrote coverage of proposals and finished pieces submitted for acquisition. In addition, Ben spent time in A&E's vast film library, organizing countless reels of footage for storage in-house, as well as to be shipped to A&E's remote storage house in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

Ben also just finished production on a film which he adapted from a short story by the 1940's mystery writer Jack Ritchie. Shot on 16mm color stock, Ben is currently in the process of editing the film, for potential entry in festivals both at NYU and nationwide. Even though the piece was shot on film, Ben has elected to edit on video in order to take advantage of the most cost- and time-efficent technology available.

Currently, Ben is assisting with the administrative aspects of Sitcom 2000, a combination sitcom pilot/episodic web site written and directed by two of his Tisch colleagues. When he's not immersed in media creation, production, and promotion, Ben likes to read Robert Parker's Spenser novels, and also enjoys spending time with his family.

Ben can be reached at 1 (800) 923-0280.

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